How many times a night does your bed partner nudge you or shake you to stop your snoring? Neither one of you is getting much sleep and it is affecting both your waking hours and your health.
And while simple snoring can be both disruptive and cause excessive daytime sleepiness, severe and loud snoring could also indicate something more serious – sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea can affect your health in life altering ways. Many of those who suffer from sleep apnea in Fresno go undiagnosed year after year because, often, the person suffering from sleep apnea doesn’t worry about the snoring and never consults with a health care provider. Yet, the list of symptoms and side effects is significant and includes waking unrefreshed, morning headaches, memory problems, weight gain, difficulty concentrating, lost work performance, even strokes, heart failure or heart attacks. If you live in the Fresno California area and you snore at all, please call our Fresno office at 559-449-7667 or read more right here on our website. We can help you feel better and be your best!