Sleep Relief for Fresno Bed Partners Are you feeling tired and haggard every morning because you sleep beside someone who sounds more like a chainsaw than a human? Maybe you are considering moving to another room – possibly to another house – to get away from the noise? Your bed partner could have something more… Read more »
Monthly Archives:: January 2013
Everyone Snores – But Sleep Apnea is More than Snoring
Health and Sleep for Fresno Patients Sure, people snore once in a while. Almost everyone snores when they have a cold. Some people snore when they have had too much to drink. Others snore when they gain weight. But if snoring is chronic or if you wake up feeling tired, it could be something worse;… Read more »
Treating Fresno for Snoring and Sleep Apnea
How many times a night does your bed partner nudge you or shake you to stop your snoring? Neither one of you is getting much sleep and it is affecting both your waking hours and your health. And while simple snoring can be both disruptive and cause excessive daytime sleepiness, severe and loud snoring could… Read more »